Transforming your AS-IS Application Landscape into a Target Data-driven Architecture

E.ON is using insights from data, customer identity, and use cases to make the right business-related decisions through digital platforms and modern target architecture to adapt to new market challenges. However, one of the downsizes within target architecture implementation is strong the need for stakeholder management which makes it difficult to convince teams to use digital tools effectively. During the presentation, Mercedes will showcase how her team is transforming E.ON’s application landscape into a target data-driven architecture that is both resilient and adjustable to the latest market demands.

– Why adopting a target data-driven architecture approach is key for your organization

– Main challenges regarding target architecture implementation and how to face them

– Tackling strong stakeholder management to facilitate progress

Mercedes Pantoja

Head of Applications and Data Architecture


Smoother and Faster Operations through Cloud Technologies Services and Data Analytics

Modern Data Architecture - Digitalization strategy at Europe's biggest Beauty-Platform

Improving day-to-day Operations in the Retail Sector with Data Clean Room


We would be pleased to welcome you at the Industry of Things World USA.