
Marmeladenbaum GmbH is a vendor-neutral and owner-managed consulting firm. It focuses on business intelligence and business analytics, digitalization and processes. The close contact to research offers you the basis for innovative and at the same time sustainable and manageable solutions. We accompany our customers on their way to analytics competence scalable as desired from the support of an operation in self-responsibility up to the takeover of an operation. Analytics includes BI, advanced analytics, big data and digitalization up to AI. Ultimately, the choice of tool must fit into the system landscape of our customers and provide them with added value, which is why we provide vendor-neutral and competent advice. We convince our customers such as B. Braun, Coca Cola, DKB, Lufthansa, Ontras, Ostdeutscher Sparkassenverband, Provinzial or Schauenburg in long-term partnerships. Let us also work together with you on your topics - for your success!