Modern Data Lake - Ready for Multi-Cloud? Portability with Cloud-agnostic Kubernetes Solution

Shifting business processes and data from on-prem systems to the Cloud has already changed from a nice-to-have to a must-have. But choosing the right provider turns out to be a challenge within many businesses’ Cloud journey that either appears in the very beginning or at some later point – e.g., when changes happen in a fast pace, like the change of pricing or license conditions. In this session, we will talk about the importance of Multi-Cloud solutions in this fast-changing environment, which challenges can be addressed and where to be cautious. The session will be wrapped-up by the presentation of some best practices using Kubernetes to lay a solid foundation for cloud-agnostic infrastructures.

Toma Buchinsky

CEO & Data Architect
Adastra GmbH


A new normal for Data Management – Data Mesh as the super fuel for better data products

Going beyond the use cases in the lab – How Continental set up the right organization and infrastructure for industrialized AI & Analytics

Democratizing Data Science in the Cloud - How Unilever creates new Data Science capabilities in production and packaging with an in-house cloud platform


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