Making the case for more flexible IT controls & processes that enable Data & Analytics teams

Strong internal controls should be a primary focus of every management team. However the challenge is that this requires considerable effort, which often results in extreme delays in development and testing of data products. You will only succeed, when you evolve your internal controls systems in a way that supports both risk assessment and productivity. The presentation will showcase practical examples on how the management can empower Data & Analytics teams to work more efficiently without having to take compromizes in terms of risk and compliance.

Key questions answered during the session:

  • When do Data & Analytics teams suffer most from internal IT control systems?
  • Which tools support your analysts’ and engineers’ productivity without disregarding compliance?
  • How do practical appliactions of flexible IT control systems & processes look like?

Karina Korpela

Director, Advanced Analytics
Invesco Ltd


A new normal for Data Management – Data Mesh as the super fuel for better data products

Going beyond the use cases in the lab – How Continental set up the right organization and infrastructure for industrialized AI & Analytics

Democratizing Data Science in the Cloud - How Unilever creates new Data Science capabilities in production and packaging with an in-house cloud platform


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