Levelling up self service analytics with the power of data communities

When maturing and growing your analytics team giving them the right tools and training isn’t enough, you’re missing the vital ingredient of community! This presentation will explore a number of use cases and top tips for turbo charging your self service analytics implementation with the power of data communities.

Key topics:

  • Why should you care about building a data community?
  • Data community use cases & top tips
  • Value creation – the benefits seen across an organisation from community growth and initiatives

Lydia Collett

Insight & Data Product Lead
John Lewis Partnership


A new normal for Data Management – Data Mesh as the super fuel for better data products

Going beyond the use cases in the lab – How Continental set up the right organization and infrastructure for industrialized AI & Analytics

Democratizing Data Science in the Cloud - How Unilever creates new Data Science capabilities in production and packaging with an in-house cloud platform


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